Sunday, September 12, 2010

Album Review: "From Pelican Shores"


From Pelican Shores is the debut release from brand-spanking new synth-pop project Glacier Island. It was released independently on iTunes on August 17. It's got like 12 tracks and is slightly more than 44 minutes long.

Phew, now that the stats are out of the way, let's look at the actual tunes. Musically, the album is quite stunning. It's apparent that a lot of work has been put into the songwriting and organization. These songs just feel upbeat and happy, and sounds like Hellogoodbye meets Owl City. Memorable moments include "Airborne," "On the Moon," and "Scuba Dive." "Boat" especially is a powerhouse of a feel-good track and definitely starts the album out right.

Glacier Island has obviously spent a great deal of time and energy mixing their tracks into delectable sonic layercakes piled high with copious amounts of sweet smooth audible frosting. However, a slight problem with the recipe is apparent. It has to do with the baking process. I'm not sure if Glacier Island just wanted to get their music into fans' hands as soon as possible, or if they accidentally overlooked some parts, but there are some mastering problems. Occasionally a vocal or synth lead will peak, causing a slight rattle or buzz. This really is a definite shame, because this album has so much going for it that it absolutely deserves the purest, most clean representation available. These issues are probably not something the ordinary fan will take issue with or even notice, but I heard them and they unfortunately took away from the overall experience.

Those small criticisms aside, however, From Pelican Shores is simply a delight to listen to. The guys in Glacier Island have done a solid effort here, and deserve all the publicity they can get. Check it out.



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